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Nigga, this dwarf here don't got to be tall to pull a trigger off in somebody face!
Quote by Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart Quotes
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I'm gonna go Jackie Chan on your ass!
Say it with ya chest, lil ass nigga!
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You know what a long dick look like? YOU GON' LEARN TODAY!
Why would you go throw a pen at it if you dont even know wat...
Where da LAP TOP AT, where da LAP TOP AT!
Alright alright alrightttt, you gon learn today.
Spell Long Dick; L...O...Dick. Alright alright alright!
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Damn! that's some quantum shit right there man! You should be teaching classes!
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This shit just got real!
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No Nipple Having Ass Bitch!
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If you think I give a damn about you b!@$%. You got another thing comin....
You like cheese without the corners, in other words you'll never be a slice bitch!
Who ever invented ALCOHOL should be shot immediately, Hang overs r the worst...I swear it...
Beat me like Bobby beats Whitney! Allegedly.