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Facebook Covers
Picture quotes
Facebook Covers
When girls hack a friends Facebook account: 'I love you b*tch!' When boys hack a friends Facebook account: 'I LOVE D*CK IN MY MOUTH!'
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The best time to look for a job is when you already have one. Men...
Sometimes you have to make the right decision, and sometimes you have to make the...
Why do banks lock their pens to the desk? If i'm trusting you with my...
I'm not clumsy. It's just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies...
I used to be good at sports. Then I realized that I could buy trophies....
Never on schedule, but always on time.
I just dropped my laptop off the boat....It's a Dell, rolling in the deep.
I dont mind ketchup on my hot dog, as long as the bun is tight.
I was complimented on my driving today. Someone left a note on my windshield that...
If a person who drinks too much is an alcoholic, then is someone who never...
Saying I don't take my meds because they make me feel funny. Is like cannibals...
To men, women are just city buses. There's another one every five minutes.
Have you ever had a fly or small bug land on your computer screen and...
Spent the entire night trying to create a website for women drivers, but it kept...
Facebook should make it to where it says, 'Went from being in a relationship' to...
Better late than never, but never late is better.
It's a recipe for disaster when your country has an obesity epidemic and a skinny...
I decided to cancel my Twitter account. I dont want to sound paranoid, but Im...
That awkward moment when nobody likes your Facebook status.
The older the Facebook post, the creepier your 'Like' becomes.
When I text someone and they dont text me back, I automatically assume that they...
Anytime a bird takes a crap on my car, I eat an entire plate of...
Your face is not a coloring book. Chill with the makeup!