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Chaotic action is preferable to orderly inaction.
Quote by Will Rogers
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I can remember way back when a liberal was generous with his own money
The difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the Democrat is a cannibal they...
We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and...
The taxpayers are sending congressmen on expensive trips abroad. It might be worth it except...
People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their...
Politics ain't worrying this country one-tenth as much as where to find a parking space.
Old Hollywood is just like a desert water in Africa. Hang around long enough and...
The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.
Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till...
In Hollywood the woods are full of people that learned to write but evidently can't...
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you...
Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators.
Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth.
We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap...
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
If I studied all my life, I couldn't think up half the number of funny...
Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?
If the other fellow sells cheaper than you, it is called dumping. 'Course, if you...
People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument.
Things ain't what they used to be and never were.