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Facebook Covers
Picture quotes
Facebook Covers
Calories are just little tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night.
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Dr: Are you sexually active? Me: Yes I'm a Facebook whore.
Laughter is always the best medicine... unless you have diarrhea.
My 'check engine' light came on while driving to work this morning. I looked and...
Deja Vu is when God thinks something is so funny, that he has to rewind...
On the 12th Day of Christmas my Facebook gave to me, 12 dudes I'm blocking,...
DAD: Wanna Hear A Joke Son? SON: Yes DAD: Pussy SON: I Don't Get It......
That awkward moment when you try to sing a duet with yourself.
Whatever you do in life, always give 100%...unless you're donating blood...
I probably could stand a chance on American Idol if I could bring my shower...
Hopefully one day your life will be as cool as you make it appear on...
Scientists have yet to explain how 300 people can be working at a Wal-Mart but...
Apparently, the answer 'I know.' is not a good answer when your friend tells you...
Sometimes I walk through the baby aisle at the grocery store as a reminder to...
Dear guy on the dance floor 'Raising the roof,' you're not raising your chances of...
Sex is like high school...you miss a period and you're in trouble.
I realized Facebook was a drug when I caught myself sneaking into the bathroom at...
If someone texts 'K', just reply with 'L M N O P Q R S...
I hate it when I tell someone I'll be there in 15 minutes yet they...
Good humor isn't a trait of character, it is an art which requires practice.
Good humor is one of the preservatives of our peace and tranquility
Cheating on someone who loves you is like sneaking a Happy Meal into Olive Garden....