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Picture quotes
Facebook Covers
Practicing your signature over & over again, just in case one day you become famous.
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Showing your friend a funny video on YouTube and constantly checking their face to make...
That moment of preparation right before you step on an escalator.
Lifes like a bird, its pretty cute until it dumps on your head.
That one bug that no matter how times you hit, just won't die.
Just deleted some friends on Facebook, if you're reading this then you're one of the...
Yawning is like our bodies way of saying 15% battery left.
That awkward moment when you say 'Hey' to someone on facebook chat, and seconds later...
If your relationship is so complicated that you have to specify it as such on...
5 Rules of happiness 1. Don't Hate 2. Don't Worry 3. Give More 4. Expect...
Admit it; you're scared to text him because you feel like you're annoying him.
If the people in horror movies listened to me they would probably still be alive.
4 Rules for texting a girl: 1) Don't take 40 minutes to reply. 2) Use...
Waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and avoiding all...
Driving to work playing the 'Let's see how long I can drive with my gas...
If your girlfriend gets jealous it's because she's faithful. If another girl has your attention...
That awkward moment when your parents ask if you like anyone.
Restarting the whole song over just because you missed your favorite part.
Uh, excuse me, Mr. Swagger, Either walk a little faster or buy a belt. Thanks,...
The man who wakes up and finds himself famous hasn't been asleep.
Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it...