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Picture quotes
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My Ex Sent Me Ah Picture Too Remind Me What iM Givinq Up , iSent Him Ah Picture Of My New Boyfriend And Told Him iDgaf ! : )
Ex Boyfriend Quotes
IDGAF Quotes
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I DON'T have EX's! I have Y's. Like 'Y the hell did I date you?!'
When your ex asks if you can still be friends right after a break up,...
I don't make mistakes...I date them.
Listening to country music alone in your car is a guaranteed way to make sure...
The moment when you see your ex again after so much time and it brings...
Dont really look back at my ex's. Some things just look better in the trash.
Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness. It's not...
My ex boyfriends facebook status said 'Suicidal and standing on the edge.' ...So I poked...
Oh, you're dating my ex...I thought the five second rule was for food only...
I love meeting my Ex's new boyfriend and thinking, 'Yep, I am definitely cooler than...
I know Adele's ex boyfriend is sitting at home right now with a new chubby...
A EX should stay an EX. They're the EXample of false love and an EXplanation...
Strange, that some people are still alive after the breakup, knowing that they used to...
When you run into someone that you used to be in love with, all that...
My old dude f*cked up. My new boo lucked up. My ex tryna suck up....
If you're trying to make me jealous of you and my ex boyfriend, you must...
Some exes don't get the picture that they will NEVER be back in the picture.
Just to be truthful, I don't give a fuck about what you say, or think...
I don't give a fuck if u don't like my shit cause I was high...
I use to give a damn but I never gave a fuck.