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Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger.
Quote by Horace
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You may drive out nature with a pitchfork, yet she'll be constantly running back.
Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at...
Knowledge without education is but armed injustice.
The covetous man is ever in want.
The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier...
Nothing is swifter than rumor.
It is your business when the wall next door catches fire.
Wisdom at times is found in folly
The power of daring anything their fancy suggest, as always been conceded to the painter...
One wanders to the left, another to the right. Both are equally in error, but,...
It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
No verse can give pleasure for long, nor last, that is written by drinkers of...
In adversity remember to keep an even mind.
As crazy as hauling timber into the woods.
It is no great art to say something briefly when, like Tacitus, one has something...
Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.
Usually the modest person passes for someone reserved, the silent for a sullen person.
Few cross the river of time and are able to reach non-being. Most of them...
Maybe this is why so many serial killers work in pairs. It's nice not to...
A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death...