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I paint as if I were Rothschild.
Quote by Paul Cezanne
Paul Cezanne Quotes
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I am the primitive of the method I have invented.
Art is a harmony parallel with nature.
I have nothing to hide in art. The initial force alone can bring anyone to...
The artist makes things concrete and gives them individuality.
Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience.
Here, on the river's verge, I could be busy for months without changing my place,...
The awareness of our own strength makes us modest.
A puny body weakens the soul.
The clear French landscape is as pure as a verse of Racine.
Painting is damned difficult - you always think you've got it, but you haven't.
The most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself.
It is impossible for emotion not to come on us in thinking of that time...
I've come to the conclusion that it's not really possible to help others.
Shadow is a colour as light is, but less brilliant; light and shadow are only...
If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain.
I have sworn to die painting.
I could paint for a hundred years, a thousand years without stopping and I would...
I lack the magnificent richness of color that animates nature.
Is art really the priesthood that demands the pure in heart who belong to it...
I am more a friend of art than a producer of painting.