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He'll cheat without scruple, who can without fear
Quote by Benjamin Franklin
Fear Quotes
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He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
Promises may fit the friends, but non-performance will turn them into enemies.
Nothing is more fatal to health than an over care of it.
The great secret of succeeding in conversation is to admire little, to hear much; always...
He that cannot obey, cannot command.
Why does the blind man's wife paint herself
No man ever was glorious, who was not laborious.
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
We may give advice but we cannot give conduct
As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle...
Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take...
We must hang together, or surely we shall hang separately.
Love and lordship hate companions
Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were...
Those have a short Lent, who owe money to be paid at Easter.
Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.
Tomorrow, every Fault is to be amended; but that Tomorrow never comes.
Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.
Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.