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Picture quotes
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From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Lord and Master of His servants. His Name is the Support of His devotees. Nanak gives this advice.
Quote by Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Advice Quotes
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Through age after age, I am the servant of the Merciful Lord.
Those who act in ego do not go beyond karma. It is only by Guru's...
Listen - listen to my advice! Only the good deeds which you have done shall...
If I dressed myself in fire, and built my house of snow, and made iron...
As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma
At the age of ten, he is a child; at twenty, a youth, and at...
If You wish to drink, then I shall get water for You; and wash Your...
The Lord, Har, Har, has ordained that the soul is to stay in her parents'...
This opportunity shall not come again! I say to you, O my body, listen to...
You may chant your prayers five times each day; you may read the Bible and...
When good karma dawns, the wall of doubt is torn down
Reading their books over and over again, people continue making mistakes; they are so proud...
IF the parent is a drunkard, a gambler and a cheat, no amount of textbook...
If I could live for millions and millions of years, and if the air was...
Whatever pleases You is a pure action of karma
Born because of the karma of their past mistakes, they make more mistakes, and fall...
By His Grace, His devotees become famous and acclaimed. Joining the Society of the Saints,...
How many famous and high-spirited heroes have lived a day too long?
You're not famous until my mother has heard of you.
Practicing your signature over & over again, just in case one day you become famous.