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Blood may be thicker than water, but love is thicker than anything.
Quote by Goldie Nash
Cute Boyfriend Quotes
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The reason why all men honor love is because it looks up, and not down;...
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you...
I love you. You dont have to love me back, but Im gonna give you...
Your voice makes me tremble inside and your smile is an invitation for my imagination...
If raindrops were kisses, I could send you showers. If hugs were seas, I'd send...
The more and more I spend time with you, the more and more I realize...
Ever since I've met you, no one else is worth thinking about.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am...
You're not perfect and I'll save you the suspense. I am not perfect either...but surely...
A boy is a magical creature; you can lock him out of your workshop, but...
I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material. If I can have a good...
In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night,...
To a person in love, the value of the individual is intuitively known. Love needs...
If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?
While you were sleeping, I figured out everything. I was constructed for you and you...
Mistakes make me human. Failure makes me stronger. Love keeps me alive. But its YOU...
My love, you know you are my best friend. You know that I'd do anything...
I'd rather lose myself in passion than lose my passion.
Love is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows.
True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it