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Perhaps only those people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the world.
Quote by DH Lawrence
Being Alone Quotes
Cold Hearted Quotes
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Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what...
Men are free when they are in a living homeland, not when they are straying...
One's action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere...
The true artist doesn't substitute immorality for morality. On the contrary, he always substitutes a...
But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.
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When soul has no value, business has no soul.
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what...
We don't exist unless we are deeply and sensually in touch with that which can...
The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.
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People always make war when they say they love peace
It's all this cold-hearted fucking that is death and idiocy.
The cold heart indeed, madame, which deserves no pity.
Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.
The Divine Being made many loathesome creatures but none so low as a woman with...