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Let a man get up and say, Behold, this is the truth, and instantly I perceive a sandy cat filching a piece of fish in the background. Look, you have forgotten the cat, I say.
Quote by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf Quotes
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Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.
Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to...
The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness....
One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune...
One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats -...
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain...
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded.
Money dignifies what is frivolous if unpaid for.
The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one...
If one could be friendly with women, what a pleasure - the relationship so secret...
You send a boy to school in order to make friends - the right sort.
Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of...
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship...
This soul, or life within us, by no means agrees with the life outside us....
A woman must have money and room of her own if she is to write...
Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the...
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his...
The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations,...