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Football is like life and I know life.
Quote by Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh Quotes
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I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York...
The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama.
When a nominee for the Supreme Court, one of only nine lifetime appointments, makes an...
There is one other business where the customer is always wrong and that's the media.
If you're working to make the playing field fair and level, you're working for the...
The more I think about this, the more like a slut I feel.
Government stimulates the democrat party.
Most people's historical perspective begins with the day of their birth.
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
Folks, the most insidious part of this whole health care scheme is that all of...
I want anyone who believes in life, liberty, pursuit of happiness to succeed. And I...
Did you know that the White House drug test is multiple choice?
There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who...
No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.
Will some reporter, or some Republican on the Sunday shows, please ask why tax cuts...
Character matters; leadership descends from character.
Compassion is no substitute for justice.
Sometimes, when I say 'I'm okay.' I want someone to look me in the eyes,...
I came upon a doctor who appeared in quite poor health. I said, 'There's nothing...
For me music is a vehicle to bring our pain to the surface, getting it...