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Picture quotes
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I'm just like everybody else. I have two arms, two legs and four-thousand hits.
#Pete Rose
I've never looked forward to a birthday like I'm looking forward to my new daughter's...
#Pete Rose
It's a round ball and a round bat, and you got to hit it square.
#Pete Rose
My father taught me that the only way you can make good at anything is...
#Pete Rose
Never bet on baseball.
#Pete Rose
With the money I'm making, I should be playing two positions.
The manager of a team is like a stagecoach, he can't move unless he has...
#Pete Rose
The team that wins two-thirds of its one run games usually wins the pennant.
#Pete Rose
There is an old saying that money can't buy happiness. If it could, I would...
#Pete Rose
When I get the record, all it will make me is the player with the...
#Pete Rose
When you play this game twenty years, go to bat ten-thousand times, and get three-thousand...
#Pete Rose
Am I still in uniform? Then I ain't retired.
#Pete Rose
Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league.
#Pete Rose
Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. I know I...
#Pete Rose
I was born on the day Lincoln was shot and the Titanic sank.
#Pete Rose
I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball.
#Pete Rose
With the money I'm making, I should be playing two positions.
When you play this game twenty years, go to bat ten-thousand times, and get three-thousand...