Picture quotes
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Picture quotes
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Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody
Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody.
Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend.
An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the...
An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the...
#Funny Sayings
#Men And Women
The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people...
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he's in love...
But surely for everything you have to love you have to pay some price.
Most successes are unhappy. That's why they are successes - they have to reassure themselves...
Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give...
It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous...
An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the...
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming that comes when you finish the life of...
One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think,...
The happy people are failures because they are on such good terms with themselves they...
I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will...
I married an archaeologist because the older I grow, the more he appreciates me.