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Tide and time wait for no man
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He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Failing to plan is planning to fail
He that rewards flattery, begs it
Don't put new wine into old bottles
In courtship a man pursues a woman until she catches him
A man may learn wit every day
Beauty's sister is vanity, and its daughter lust.
Imitation is the most serious form of flattery
Where there is love, there is no darkness.
Biggest profits mean gravest risks.
In courtship a man pursues a woman until she catches him.
Some men have only one book in them, others a library
He who trusts all things to chance, makes a lottery of his life
Like the body that is made up of different limbs and organs, all moral creatures...
Go with the flow.
Money talks
We must have reasons for speech but we need none for silence
Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could...
Listen to the sound of silence