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The truth of the matter is, all of those guys on Star Trek: The Next Generation actually want to be me. These impersonations they do are just some way of trying to feel what it must be like to be…
Quote by Patrick Stewart
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I wouldn't know a space-time continuum or warp core breach if they got into bed...
During my time we had two chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, at different...
The studio have always claimed that the ship is the star of the show, especially...
One day, out of irritation, I said, you know all of those years with the...
I've often reflected on this in the past weeks as I've been following the presidential...
We had some very distinguished fans: I know one chancellor of a major university who...
I would like to see us get this place right first before we have the...
As time went on, I did campaign to lighten the character a little bit, to...
It still frightens me a little bit to think that so much of my life...
You get all of your neuroses worked out on stage. I haven't actually played very...
I am told that there have been over the years a number of experiments taking...
Whenever the lion fish in the fish tank in the captain's ready room died it...
I don't do impersonations. I can do a wounded elephant! I can do a really...
There are several books that I have-the Physics of Star Trek, Star Trek and Business,...
I began directing episodes, which was a great light every couple of months. We never...
We've heard from many teachers that they used episodes of Star Trek and concepts of...
William Shatner has one style. We have completely contrasting personalities. We're very good friends. I...
It wasn't until the first season ended that I went to my first Star Trek...
I became a better listener than I ever had been as a result of playing...
Roddenberry had created quite a complex and at times mysterious character. Guarded, cautious, careful in...