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The sad moment when you see your ex and they act like you don't even exist.
Being Ignored Quotes
Ex Boyfriend Quotes
Ex Girlfriend Quotes
It Is What It Is Quotes
Sad Break Up Quotes
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Being the one that doesnt text back feels so much better than being the one...
Hate being ignored by someone I want attention from...
Being ignored by the person you love is hard. But what hurts the most is...
Being ignored can really get under someone's skin.
I still have faith in a guy that made me cry so many times, chose...
We ignore each other and try to pretend the other person doesn't exist, but deep...
Sometimes I feel like we're friends, sometimes I feel like we're more than friends, but...
Being ignored is probably the most frustrating and annoying thing ever!
Sometimes I wonder if you're really that busy, or you just can't be bothered to...
Everyone has that one friend that they ignore their calls, then act like they never...
I do not like being ignored when someone has my things!
Worst feelings: Crying yourself to sleep, being ignored, discovering the person you love loves someone...
It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you but it's even tougher when you...
They judge you now, but they will need you someday. They ignore you now, but...
If you don't call me all day I understand, when you don't text me all...
Having a sarcastic conversation with yourself when people are ignoring you.
Loving you wasnt a crime..wantin you was a dream Being ignored hurts...bt ignored by those...
When you run into someone that you used to be in love with, all that...
Oh, you're dating my ex...I thought the five second rule was for food only...
My Ex Sent Me Ah Picture Too Remind Me What iM Givinq Up , iSent...
The moment when you see your ex again after so much time and it brings...
Guys don't treat girls right, that's why the lesbian rate's going up.
'I still wanna be friends.' is the same as saying 'pretend none of this ever...