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The cat has nine lives: three for playing, three for straying, three for staying
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Imagination gallops; judgment merely walks
He who trusts all things to chance, makes a lottery of his life
To know and not to do is not to know
Pride comes before a fall
There is no king where there is no law
The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water.
Doubt makes the mountain which faith can move
He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
Women are necessary evils.
The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to...
A woman's answer is never to seek
Beware of the man who does not drink.
God helps three sorts of people: fools, children and drunkards
He who fails to plan, plans to fail
Advice from your friends in like the weather, some of it is good, some of...
Where there's a will there's a way
When the goose honk high, fair weather; when the goose honks low, foul weather
He who does not have common sense at age thirty will never have it.
Your lordship, though not clean past your youth, have yet some smack of age in...
What's a man's age? He must hurry more, that's all; Cram in a day, what...