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Now boast thee, death, in thy possession lies A lass unparalleled.
Quote by Shakespeare
Death Quotes
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The saying is true, The empty vessel makes the greatest sound
Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house...
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past,...
I have a bone to pick with Fate
'Tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems.
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
Honesty is as much saying everything as it is saying what is true.
Light seeking light doth light of light beguile.
At your age The hey-day in the blood is tame, it's humble.
He that dies pays all debts
And nothing can we call our own but death And that small model of the...
My heart is ever at your service.
I speak of peace, while covert enmity under the smile of safety wounds the world.
I was adored once too.
Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes, hasten to...
Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal.
Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find.
A man cannot make him laugh; but that's no marvel; he drinks no wine
Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin with that...
I fall back on this journal just as some other poor devil takes to drink