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Love, you are eternal like springtime.
Quote by Juan Ramon Jiminez
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When life gets rocky, crumble away the burdens of lies, fear, and doubt.
What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate
Be loving and the love in your life will increase.
But true love is a durable fire In the mind ever burning; Never sick, never...
When love is found, it is hard to forget where it is.
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to...
... if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made...
Respect is love in plain clothes.
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Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise then you will discover the fullness of...
What brings joy to the heart is not so much the friend's gift as the...
Where love rules, there is no will to power; where power predominates, there love is...
Love and stoplights can be cruel.
Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there's really nothing to lose.
To be loved at first sight, a man should have at the same time something...