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Laws are best explained, interpreted and applied by those whose interest and abilities lie in perverting, confounding and eluding them
Quote by Jonathan Swift
Law And Lawyers Quotes
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A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong,...
When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the...
Your notions of friendship are new to me; I believe every man is born with...
We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us...
I never saw, heard, nor read, that the clergy were beloved in any nation where...
Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all...
Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old.
Reason is a very light rider, and easily shook off
Observation is an old man's memory.
Men are happy to be laughed at for their humor, but not for their folly.
Every dog must have his day.
The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman
I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not...
Our passions are like convulsion fits, which, though they make us stronger for the time,...
Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever...
For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition...
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more...
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
Great art picks up where nature ends.
Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and...
If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the...