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Justice is the crowning glory of the virtues.
Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Justice Quotes
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Law is intelligence, whose natural function it is to command right conduct and forbid wrongdoing
Law stands mute in the midst of arms.
Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.
For how many things, which for our own sake we should never do, do we...
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
The law in Athens is true in Rome
It is the character of a brave and resolute man not to be ruffled by...
By doubting we come at truth.
The cultivation of the mind is a kind of food supplied for the soul of...
Before beginning, plan carefully.
People do not understand what a great revenue economy is.
The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured.
Endless money forms the sinews of war.
As I give thought to the matter, I find four causes for the apparent misery...
If it is true that the basic quest of man is freedom, the question we...
Freedom is a man's natural power of doing what he pleases, so far as he...
That last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place.
Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.
It is the nature of every person to error, but only the fool perseveres in...
One who sees the Supersoul accompanying the individual soul in all bodies and who understands...