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I touch my heart and feel it start to crack, I guess this is how it feels when the guy you love, doesn't love you back.
Being Broken Quotes
Breakup Quotes
Girls Quotes
Heartache Quotes
Heartbreak Quotes
Heartbroken Quotes
Lost Love Quotes
Rejection Quotes
Sad Break Up Quotes
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Maybe she is mean because her heart has been broken so many times that her...
I'm not the same girl anymore, pain changed me.
That moment when you burst out crying on your room and you realize that no...
She's strong enough to walk away; but broken enough to look back.
The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been...
Hearts seem to always be broken, by the words left unspoken.
That devastating moment when he tells you about the girl he likes...that's not you.
That wall I've built around myself is steadily being broken down but dont worry, everytime...
Girls have fake smiles and broken hearts...
Is it so hard to believe our hearts are made to be broken by love,
I cant say I dont miss you...because whenever I think about you, my heart breaks...
Being brokenhearted is like having broken ribs. On the outside it looks like nothing's wrong,...
Crazy isn't being broken...
Take this broken heart and make it right.
The worst part about falling out of love, is wondering if you'll ever open up...
Dont risk being broken by someone who pretends to be all you want when in...
You can fool the world with your smiles, but you can never fool your heart.
Engagement: The time used being exclusive. Don't be upset if the engagement is broken off,...
The fact that my ex became very unattractive after our breakup aided in the process...
Days pass and feelings fade, Im wondering if you regret that decision you made.
Girls know how to fake smiles and guys know how to fake feelings.
If it's a broken part, replace it. If it's a broken arm then brace it....
There are all kinds of ways for a relationship to be tested, even broken, some,...
I have been heartbroken once and it has affected all my relationships from there on....
Having the love of your life break up with you and saying we can still...
Rejection is God's way of saying 'Wrong direction.'
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of...