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Picture quotes
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I repeat, not the man does it, because he has nothing to say on his own destiny, because how the history of the human past is written and that book cannot be changed, so is the future which will be…
Quote by Sorin Cerin
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Nobody can know what knowledge really is without truth.
We will never be more than we are meant to be!
It is only now that I understand that Love would have no competence without this...
Then who are we, the blind ones and the blind folded, that do not know...
Oh Dear God! Why wouldn't you allow those two consuming fires to be only one?...
And then we went to the end of worlds time with our thoughts burdened by...
Why are men so secretive, why are they afraid of the truth, sometimes even of...
And I return to the coldness of this defying human nature, to the impertinence with...
We cannot conceive death as anything else than the afterlife because we cannot comprehend death...
I love you. I call you. I always seek you in my heart. Now that...
Is enough to look at the Middle Ages, at the Inquisition and on the ultra...
And I retired isolated in my corner of world again, seeking to understand what is...
And then, what is the spiritual being that does not know its Sacred Self? But...
Death is reflected as either the greatest Evil or it becomes the greatest Saviour. And...
Not even man that will re-find himself will be able to remove the vanity from...
So that we can truly admire this wonderful painting we will have to know ourselves...
All the stars in the sky cannot worth as much as yours only because it...
It is beyond our reach to know the value of our own existence without the...
The gate toward wisdom is to be beyond yourself.
TO BE in the dilemma of life when it stands in front of deaths eternity.