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Knowledge is nothing else than reflection or mirroring. Knowledge exists in itself only if this reflection or mirroring does and by no other way. The self of Knowledge is what is reflected or mirrored in it. If Love is mirrored…
Quote by Sorin Cerin
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Knowledge is nothing else than reflection or mirroring. Knowledge exists in itself only if this...
Do not cry, because we are destiny, because we are everything that can be above...
Only than the villains of the Hierarchy will turn their face to the man hooked...
However much we would adore the past it will forever die in the future with...
The path of the human happiness consists of the supreme attributes of Love, which are...
We are a being only through our Illusion of Life.
We definitely come from the sea because our tears are salted and when we let...
The soul mate is what we aspire to and like to understand about us, is...
So that we can truly admire this wonderful painting we will have to know ourselves...
Being is the greatest paradox of life in front of death.
Nobody can know what knowledge really is without truth.
We are born more dead than when we die after we have searched death through...
All the stars in the sky cannot worth as much as yours only because it...
To believe in what you don't know is as true as to believe in what...
I adore you, my greatest love, as only through you I can find my moments...
All the roads of life end in death.
Then do we still need our soul mate? Oh, yes, I say, because this is...
By chasing away the Evil in us we will also chase away the Good. This...
I have reached this worlds dreams harbor as devoid of truth as any other soul...
It is beyond our reach to know the value of our own existence without the...