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Picture quotes
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I have written a raucous valentine to a poet's dream and agony.
Quote by Ben Hecht
Ben Hecht Quotes
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I know that a man who shows me his wealth is like the beggar who...
Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.
A man nearly always loves for other reasons than he thinks. A lover is apt...
We are going to make sure that there is high-speed broadband available to everyone, and...
I'm a Hollywood writer, so I put on my sports jacket and take off my...
The rule in the art world is: you cater to the masses or you kowtow...
Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and paddles to safety.
Hollywood held this double lure for me, tremendous sums of money for work that required...
Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and paddles to safety
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The honors Hollywood has for the writer are as dubious as tissue-paper cuff links.
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Television excites me because it seems to be the last stamping ground of poetry, the...
There's only one law you gotta follow to keep outta trouble. Do it first, do...
I discovered early in my movie work that a movie is never any better than...
The awkward moment when a film says, 'Based on a true story.' and it automatically...
Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood...