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Forgotten is forgiven.
Quote by F Scott Fitzgerald
F Scott Fitzgerald Quotes
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Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues.
Genius goes around the world in its youth incessantly apologizing for having large feet. What...
Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go by any rules. They're not like aches...
Some men have a necessity to be mean, as if they were exercising a faculty...
Nick, on the Buchanans: They were careless people, Tom and Daisy -- they smashed up...
To write it, it took three months; to conceive it three minutes; to collect the...
Family quarrels are bitter things. They dont go according to any rules. Theyre not like...
Great art is the contempt of a great man for small art.
The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered...
No grand idea was ever born in a conference, but a lot of foolish ideas...
I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again.
Trouble has no necessary connection with discouragement -- discouragement has a germ of its own,...
Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go according to any rules. They're not like...
Scratch a Yale man with both hands and you'll be lucky to find a coast-guard....
For awhile after you quit Keats all other poetry seems to be only whistling or...
To a profound pessimist about life, being in danger is not depressing.
Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.
Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.
All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a...
I shut my eyes in order to see.
A great man is the man who does something for the first time.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through...