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But with The Dark Crystal, instead of puppetry we're trying to go toward a sense of realism - toward a reality of creatures that are actually alive and we're mixing up puppetry and all kinds of other techniques.
Quote by Jim Henson
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Yeah, I think we did the term Muppets before we got the show Sam and...
NBC was trying to convert all of their local programming to color right away to...
And also there wasn't much money in television in those days anyhow.
No, there's not much competition between puppeteers in general because everybody's working their own style.
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I do remember doing shows strictly in black and white, too, so you're right.
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It's into the same bag as E.T. and Yoda, wherein you're trying to create something...
Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.
Yeah, I did some small parts in high school and the first year of college...
I was very interested in theatre, mostly in stage design. I did a little bit...
My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got...
At the time of Polaroid - and I did a couple of other commercials just...
When I was a kid, I never saw a puppet show. I never played with...