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Picture quotes
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The Bible is a revelation of the mind and will of God to men. Therein...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
The next thing I would mention, and warn you against, is profaneness. This you know...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
You know that murder is wicked. If you saw your master kill a man, do...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
There are but two places where all go after death, white and black, rich and...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
As we depend upon our masters, for what we eat and drink and wear, and...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
Those of you who can read I must beg you to read the Bible, and...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
Good servants frequently make good masters.
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
He will bring us all, rich and poor, white and black, to his judgment seat.
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
I suppose I have had more advantages and privileges than most of you, who are...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
If a servant strives to please his master and studies and takes pains to do...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
If there was no Bible, it would be no matter whether you could read or...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
If we should ever get to Heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
If you see most people neglect the Bible, and many that can read never look...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
It is our duty to be faithful, not with eye service as men pleasers.
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
It is very wicked for you not to take care of your masters goods, but...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
Let all the time you can get be spent in trying to learn to read.
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
Now the Bible tells us that we are all by nature, sinners, that we are...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon
That liberty is a great thing we may know from our own feelings, and we...
#Jupiter Hammon Jupiter Hammon