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You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
Quote by Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov Quotes
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Nothing is more exhilarating than philistine vulgarity.
I have often noticed that after I had bestowed on the characters of my novels...
Turning one's novel into a movie script is rather like making a series of sketches...
Some people, and I am one of them, hate happy ends. We feel cheated. Harm...
The evolution of sense is, in a sense, the evolution of nonsense.
Solitude is the play field of Satan
Treading the soil of the moon, palpitating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of...
Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.
Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.
I confess, I do not believe in time.
Discussion in class, which means letting twenty young blockheads and two cocky neurotics discuss something...
It is hard, I submit, to loathe bloodshed, including war, more than I do, but...
My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music.
All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain...
Complacency is a state of mind that exists only in retrospective: it has to be...
There is nothing in the world that I loathe more than group activity, that communal...
The good, the admirable reader identifies himself not with the boy or the girl in...
Caress the detail, the divine detail.
Genius is an African who dreams up snow.
The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being...