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When in reading we meet with any maxim that may be of use, we should take it for our own, and make an immediate application of it, as we would of the advice of a friend whom we have purposely…
Quote by Charles Caleb Colton
Advice Quotes
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There are some frauds so well conducted that it would be stupidity not to be...
Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise...
Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day...
He that knows himself, knows others; and he that is ignorant of himself, could not...
Moderation is the inseparable companion of wisdom, but with it genius has not even a...
There is this difference between the two temporal blessings - health and money; money is...
I'm aiming by the time I'm fifty to stop being an adolescent.
We hate some persons because we do not know them; and we will not know...
Marriage is a feast where the grace is sometimes better than the dinner.
Ignorance is a blank sheet, on which we may write; but error is a scribbled...
He who studies books alone will know how things ought to be, and he who...
Men are born with two eyes, but with one tongue, in order that they should...
Falsehood is never so successful as when she baits her hook with truth, and no...
In life we shall find many men that are great, and some that are good,...
It is far more easy to acquire a fortune like a knave than to expend...
Bigotry murders religion to frighten fools with her ghost.
There are two way of establishing a reputation, one to be praised by honest people...
Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.
The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence.
We own almost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed but to those...