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What we call mourning for our dead is perhaps not so much grief at not being able to call them back; as it is grief at not being able to want to do so
Quote by Thomas Mann
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One must die to life in order to be utterly a creator.
Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject.
I shall need to sleep three weeks on end to get rested from the rest...
War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.
If you are possessed by an idea, you find it expressed everywhere, you even smell...
A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other...
The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an...
People's behavior makes sense if you think about it in terms of their goals, needs,...
Everything is politics.
For to be poised against fatality, to meet adverse conditions gracefully, is more than simple...
For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over...
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All interest in disease and death is only another expression of interest in life.
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Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject.
Order is repetition of units. Chaos is multiplicity without rythm.
The art of giving orders is not to try to rectify the minor blunders and...
Order is repetition of units. Chaos is multiplicity without rythm.