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The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.
Quote by Hubert H Humphrey
Government Quotes
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I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more...
It is not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do...
A politician never forgets the precarious nature of elective life. We have never established a...
Unfortunately, our affluent society has also been an effluent society.
The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.
It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats...
It is not enough to merely defend democracy. To defend it may be to lose...
There is in every American, I think, something of the old Daniel Boone - who,...
Never give in and never give up.
The President is the people's lobbyist.
National isolation breeds national neurosis.
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Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.
Asia is rich in people, rich in culture and rich in resources. It is also...
In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name...
Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a...
To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.