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The eye sees what it brings the power to see.
Quote by Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle Quotes
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Man's unhappiness, as I construe, comes of his greatness; it is because there is an...
The only happiness a brave person ever troubles themselves in asking about, is happiness enough...
There is a great discovery still to be made in literature, that of paying literary...
No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography...
Long stormy spring-time, wet contentious April, winter chilling the lap of very May; but at...
Men do less than they ought, unless they do all that they can.
It is the heart always that sees, before the head can see
Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.
Secrecy is the element of all goodness; even virtue, even beauty is mysterious.
Good breeding differs, if at all, from high breeding only as it gracefully remembers the...
Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the...
Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, shallow as time.
Originality is a thing we constantly clamour for, and constantly quarrel with.
Habit is the deepest law of human nature
He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of...
What an enormous magnifier is tradition! How a thing grows in the human memory and...
For all right judgment of any man or things it is useful, nay, essential, to...
That there should one man die ignorant who had capacity for knowledge, this I call...
I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.
A man is never astonished that he doesn't know what another does, but he is...
There is no substitute for accurate knowledge. Know yourself, know your business, know your men.
Tragedy is an imitation of a whole and complete action of some amplitude. . ....