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The cultivation of the mind is a kind of food supplied for the soul of man
Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Mind Quotes
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It is the character of a brave and resolute man not to be ruffled by...
As I give thought to the matter, I find four causes for the apparent misery...
Nothing stands out so conspicuously, or remains so firmly fixed in the memory, as something...
He does not seem to me to be a free man who does not sometimes...
Law is intelligence, whose natural function it is to command right conduct and forbid wrongdoing.
The foundation of justice is good faith.
Sweet is the memory of past troubles.
Rashness belongs to youth; prudence to old age.
Fear is not a lasting teacher of duty.
The first law for the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth....
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not...
Advice is judged by results, not by intentions.
If you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the good remains; if...
By doubting we come at truth.
The more laws, the less justice.
As I give thought to the matter, I find four causes for the apparent misery...
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.
Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing...
Friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence, though it may be increased by short...
Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.