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Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; not higher fortune, but deeper felicity.
Quote by Mahatma Gandhi
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Even as a tree has a single trunk, but many branches and leaves, there is...
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.
Tolerance implies a gratuitous assumption of the inferiority of other faiths to one's own
Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the...
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed
Exercise of faith will be the safest where there is a clear determination summarily to...
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The history of the world is full of men who rose to leadership, by sheer...
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Culture of the mind must be subservient to the heart
Remember that there is always a limit to self-indulgence, but none to self-restraint.
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion
I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal....
I claim to be an average man of less than average ability. I have not...
Poverty is the worst form of violence.
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Poor people entertain with the heart