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Oooooh yeeeah!
Quote by Macho Man Randy Savage
Macho Man Randy Savage Quotes
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Bow down to the kingdom of the madness!
History beckons the Nacho Man!
Mean Gene Okerlund, meet the Nacho Man Randy Savage, and I just happen to be...
Oh yeah? Rules? Well rules were made to be broken. AND YOUR NECK COULD BE...
Ten thousand years as Intercontinental Champion, Oooooh yeeeah!
Snap into a Slim Jim!
I say I'm a million percent. That is better than a hundred percent!
I've been everywhere from soaring with the eagles to slithering with the snakes.
Nacho Madness is coming at ya!
I'm too hot to handle and too cold to hold!
Dusty Rhodes, do you think you're what our forefathers were thinking about when they thought...
The tower of power, too sweet to be sour, ohhhh yeahh!
Expect the unexpected in the kingdom of madness!
You been running from Nacho like I've got cheese.
Love it, or leave it." "The same fire the Dragon breathes. He shall burn by.
Dig it!
Best there is... past, present and future! Ohhhhh yeahhhh!
We have nothing to fear, but fear itself...and the NACHO MAN!!!!
Oooooh yeeeah! I want everybody to freak out! Freak out! The Nacho Man is right...
Hulkamania is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Nacho...