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Men and women are not free to love decently until they have analyzed themselves completely and swept away every mystery from sex; and this means the acquisition of a profound philosophical theory based on wide reading of anthropology and enlightened…
Quote by Aleister Crowley
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Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life.
I was asked to memorise what I did not understand; and, my memory being so...
The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who...
In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly...
Chinese civilisation is so systematic that wild animals have been abolished on principle.
Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another
The people who have really made history are the martyrs.
I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank...
I have never grown out of the infantile belief that the universe was made for...
To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worth while. The first discipline...
Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about...
Indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of the sciences and arts....
The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing.
Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people.
The supreme satisfaction is to be able to despise one's neighbor and this fact goes...
The ordinary man looking at a mountain is like an illiterate person confronted with a...
Intolerance is evidence of impotence.
While we must remain determined to defeat terrorism, it isn't only terrorism we are fighting....
Once you attempt legislation upon religious grounds, you open the way for every kind of...
Claiming that you have got the truth wrapped up does breed violence and intolerance.