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Major North has had for years complete power over these Indians and can do more with them than any man living.
Quote by Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill Quotes
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Major North and myself went out in advance of the command several miles and killed...
I found Spotted Tail's lodge. He invited me to enter.
We got more provisions for our whiskey than the same money, which we paid for...
So for twelve miles I rode with Sherman, and we became fast friends. He asked...
The Indians were well mounted and felt proud and elated because they had been made...
The Free State men, myself among them, took it for granted that Missouri was a...
The McCarthy boys, at the proper moment, gave orders to fire upon the advancing enemy.
Every Indian outbreak that I have ever known has resulted from broken promises and broken...
The greatest of all the Sioux in my time, or in any time for that...
As a good horse is not very apt to jump over a bank, if left...
Stations were built at intervals averaging fifteen miles apart. A rider's route covered three stations,...
My great forte in killing buffaloes was to get them circling by riding my horse...
Nothing of course was ever done to Bill for the killing of Tutt.
My mother's sympathies were strongly with the Union. She knew that war was bound to...
The Confederates had suspected Wild Bill of being a spy for two or three days,...
Excitement was plentiful during my two years' service as a Pony Express rider.
My first plan of escape having failed, I now determined upon another.
Wild Bill was anything but a quarrelsome man yet I have personal knowledge of at...
You who live your lives in cities or among peaceful ways cannot always tell whether...
Wild Bill was a strange character. In person he was about six feet and one...