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Laughter is America's most important export.
Quote by Walt Disney
America And Americans Quotes
Laughter Quotes
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You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but...
We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have...
Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource -...
I started, actually, to make my first animated cartoon in 1920. Of course, they were...
Girls bored me, they still do. I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've...
I believe in being an innovator.
Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood...
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.
I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a...
Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an...
All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened...
Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood...
All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the...
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Heigh ho, heigh ho! It's off to work we go.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you...
I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for...
Disneyland is the star, everything else is in the supporting role.