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I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me.
Quote by Jimmy Carter
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For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of...
For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of...
One of the most basic principles for making and keeping peace within and between nations....
You just have to have a simple faith.
The awareness that health is dependent upon habits that we control makes us the first...
You can not divorce religious belief and public service. I've never detected any conflict between...
I've often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go...
I personally think that he did violate the law, that he committed impeachable offenses. But...
I hate to see complacency prevail in our lives when it's so directly contrary to...
I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over.
We cannot be both the worlds leading champion of peace and the worlds leading supplier...
What has happened at Guantanamo Bay... does not represent the will of the American people....
We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
I now understand more clearly than I ever had before why you won in November...
Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing... you are...
We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each others children.
Everyone has a right to peaceful coexistence, the basic personal freedoms, the alleviation of suffering,...
People with many opinions tend not to believe in anything.
A Flatterer is a man that tells you your opinion and not his own
I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no...