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I've come to the conclusion that it's not really possible to help others.
Quote by Paul Cezanne
Paul Cezanne Quotes
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If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain.
Two sittings a day of my models and I'm totally exhausted.
Don't be an art critic. Paint. There lies salvation.
The world doesn't understand me and I don't understand the world, that's why I've withdrawn...
Pure drawing is an abstraction. Drawing and colour are not distinct, everything in nature is...
We live in a rainbow of chaos.
Tell me, do you think I'm going mad? I sometimes wonder, you know.
The most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself.
I am the primitive of the method I have invented.
I must be more sensible and realize that at my age, illusions are hardly permitted...
Painting is damned difficult - you always think you've got it, but you haven't.
I am a pupil of Pissarro.
I paint as if I were Rothschild.
Is art really the priesthood that demands the pure in heart who belong to it...
One does not substitute oneself for the past, one merely adds to it a new...
Art is a harmony parallel with nature.
There are two things in the painter, the eye and the mind; each of them...
With an apple I will astonish Paris.
The artist makes things concrete and gives them individuality.
A puny body weakens the soul.