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If you're goin through hell.. Keep goin!! You always grow through what you go through
Quote by Rev Run
Hell Quotes
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I know u want 2 succeed.. But take it easy.. Never let ur hearts desire...
Being a bully on the internet is a sign of insecurity & weakness.
Stop sayin you have nothing::: you have a chance
Good morn. Get up! Rock da house!!!! Once youve lost confidence YOUVE LOST!
Some people forget that one of the greatest weapons against despair is prayer.
Big shots were once small shots who kept shooting!
Stop telling God how big ur problems are & start telling ur problems how BIG...
When you're grateful you have no time to become mad or hateful.
Everybody carries a burden, how you carry it is what counts.
Happy is that people whose God is the Lord -Psalm 144:15
Hurt people always Hurt people..
If u were stuck on an island and had to pick 1 artist who's catalog...
Patience is the ART of hoping.
If stress shows up this week,, it just means that God is about to SHOW...
In my house we have two choices, be happy or be happy.
You will only have SIGNIFICANT success when you're border line obsessed with your goals.
Decide to be happy...Smile today... A smile is a curve that sets everything straight
God calls us to be humble... Humility is a great defense against humiliation.
Being betrayed makes you trust less and put up another wall of defense.
I only direct in self-defense.