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I think aerobics are great, of course, but it just bores me out of my mind.
Quote by Peter Steele
Peter Steele Quotes
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I've always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and...
It seems to be that southern Europeans are just more intimate socially, whereas I like...
I like to put on hardcore when I have to clean my apartment, which I...
I guess I've learned that there's really no such thing as a bad label, there...
I'm a big fan of the effects of alcohol.
Most bands don't even last fourteen months let alone fourteen years.
Instead of slashing my wrists, I just write a bunch of really crummy songs.
I don't really like to play live. I don't like to be on stage. I...
As far as humor goes, I've always been a very insecure person and I've always...
If they weren't laughing with me, okay; if they want to laugh at me it's...
I think I've changed a lot as a person.
So, I simply switched over to wine because it was not carbonated.
Sometimes, I write '60s or '80s style pop songs.
It's bad poetry executed by people that can't sing. That's my definition of Rap.
I've been told by people that it's okay to cry but, you know what, it's...
Well, darkness with humor... I'm not an extremely suicidal or sad person.
I find that different types of music are good for certain activities.
Finding fresh song topics can sometimes be quite difficult.
If I wasn't bound to Brooklyn, due to my own personal reasons like taking care...
One of the things I've always personally tried to stress with this band was to...