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I can turn a river into a ragin' fire, I could live forever if I so desired.
Quote by The Temptations
The Temptations Quotes
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Loneliness made me realize that it's you that I need.
Remember beneath the glitter and gleam, like everyday people you're just a human being.
You try hard to hide, the emptiness inside, ooh I can tell I'm losing you.
Girl I can feel it in my bones, in a day you'll be gone.
If you just put your hand in mine, we're gonna leave all our troubles behind.
Politicians say more taxes will solve everything, and the band played on.
For every hand there's a glove. For every, for every heart there should be love.
Unemployment rising fast, the Beatles new record's a gas.
I'll be by your side... when you need me... when the whole world seems unfair......
The only person talking about love thy brother is the preacher.
Papa was a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home. And when...
I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
Nobody interested in learning, but the teacher.
You've got a smile so bright, you know, you could've been a candle. I'm holding...
I can build a castle from a single grain of sand, I can make a...
I don't care where you came from. Oh no, I don't care where you've been....
People moving out, people moving in. Why? Because the color of their skin.
Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darling, please don't leave me.
Superstar, do you know who your real friends are?
Yes, I've been waiting for such a long, long time. Don't worry, nobody, nobody is...