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I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman.
Quote by George W Bush
George W Bush Quotes
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The action we take and the decisions we make in this decade will have consequences...
They want the federal government controlling Social Security like its some kind of federal program.
I know it's going to be the private sector that leads this country out of...
The tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free.
You cant put democracy and freedom back into a box.
I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American...
I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun.
Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the...
We don't believe in planners and deciders making the decisions on behalf of Americans.
We will rid the world of evildoers.
We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who...
More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than - I say more Muslims...
I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is...
The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is...
I'm the decider, and I decide what is best.
The United States and our allies are determined: we refuse to live in the shadow...
We're in a fight for our principles and our first responsibility is to live by...
This is an impressive crowd: the Have's and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites....
Keep it humble at all costs. Don't let arrogance get the best of you.
Utter happiness is a fallacy. The best most of us can hope for is that...
A statesman is he who thinks in the future generations, and a politician is he...
Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get...