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God alone can finish
Quote by John Ruskin
God Quotes
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Large fortunes are all founded either on the occupation of land, or lending or the...
Men were not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to be precise and...
Books are divided into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of...
A great thing can only be done by a great person; and they do it...
Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man...
All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour, and the books...
All great art is the work of the whole living creature, body and soul, and...
The entire object of true education, is to make people not merely do the right...
Education is the leading of human souls to what is best, and making what is...
To know anything well involves a profound sensation of ignorance.
Do not think of your faults, still less of others' faults; look for what is...
Of all the things that oppress me, this sense of the evil working of nature...
Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and...
Better the rudest work that tells a story or records a fact, than the richest...
Be humble as the blade of grass that is being trodden underneath the feet. The...
The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations for impressions.
That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human...
Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.
Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty.