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For Pleasure, Delight, Peace and Felicity live in method and temperance.
Quote by Margaret Cavendish
Margaret Cavendish Quotes
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My other brother, the Lord Lucas, who was heir to my father's estate, and as...
And not only my own brothers and sisters agreed so but my brothers and sisters...
In such misfortunes my Mother was of an heroic spirit, in suffering patiently when there...
And though my Lord hath lost his estate and been banished out of his country,...
Indeed I had not much wit, yet I was not an idiot - my wit...
As for plenty, we had not only for necessity, conveniency and decency, but for delight...
As for our garments, my Mother did not only delight to see us neat and...
But if our sex would but well consider and rationally ponder, they will perceive and...
Indeed, I was so afraid to dishonour my friends and family by my indiscreet actions,...
For I, hearing my Lord's estate amongst many more estates was to be sold, and...
For disorder obstructs: besides, it doth disgust life, distract the appetities, and yield no true...
Not that I am ashamed of my mind or body, my birth or breeding, my...
A rude nature is worse than a brute nature by so much more as man...
Women's Tongues are as sharp as two-edged Swords, and wound as much, when they are...
As for my brothers, of whom I had three, I know not how they were...
My mother was a good mistress to her servants, taking care of them in their...
And though I might have learnt more wit and advanced my understanding by living in...
Marriage is the grave or tomb of wit.
First, they were bred when I was not capable to observe or before I was...
Not because they were servants were we so reserved, for many noble persons are forced...